Latest News
21 March 2014

Permitted Clearing of Native Vegetation: Biodiversity Assessment Guidelines (Amendment vc105)

The rules and planning permit process around the clearing of native vegetation in Victoria have changed under the recent planning scheme amendment VC105 which was gazetted on 20 December 2013. VC105 has made some significant changes to the way native vegetation is considered through the planning process with Victoria’s Native Vegetation Management: a Framework for Action (the Framework) being replaced by Permitted Clearing of Victoria’s Native Vegetation: Biodiversity Assessment Guidelines (the Guidelines).

As part of our role as the leading ecological and cultural heritage consultancy in Australia, Biosis has presented a series of information sessions to help with understanding the changes to planning permit requirements for clearing of native vegetation in Victoria.

Information sessions have been conducted by our ecological and planning consultants in Melbourne, Shepparton, Horsham, Ballarat, Bendigo and Traralgon with wide representation from state and local government, VicRoads, water authorities, developers, planners, landscape architects and others.

With the addition of environmental planning to our ecological services, Biosis has an excellent understanding of the complex changes to the rules surrounding the removal of native vegetation in Victoria and how those changes impact on development proposals and the planning approvals process.  The information sessions present the new planning process and the implications of the new Guidelines in plain language so it is clear what the changes are and what they mean for you.

If you missed the information sessions or want more information about the new Guidelinesjust give one of our Victorian offices a call and we would be very happy to assist. Further background information can also be found on the Department of Environment and Primary Industries webs site at:

Remember that Biosis is also an accredited BushBroker organisation (see news article below) so we can help with your vegetation offset requirements as well.


Matt Gibson, Senior Botanist and Manager of our Ballarat office, presenting the Guidelines to a group in Ballarat.