Sally has more than twenty years’ experience as a GIS Officer with highly developed skills in using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Aerial Photography Interpretation (API) and Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS).
Sally has experience in collecting and bringing together data from a wide variety of sources including government data portals, aerial photographs, digitising, GNSS and the translation of CAD data into GIS compatible formats. She has an excellent knowledge of the spatial data standards required for submissions to DELWP for vegetation loss and gain reports and the mapping and data standards for submissions to the Native Vegetation Credit Register and the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register. She is responsible for the templates and quality assurance of mapping outputs from the Biosis GIS team.
Sally has played a major role in the preparation of many maps and figures for Biosis reports since July 1998, most involving the use of GIS and now, as Team Leader in Victoria, is involved in the management and mentoring of other members of the Biosis Victoria GIS team.