Our people

Rebecca Goodwin

BLandsMgt&Cons Principal Ecologist

Rebecca is Principal Ecologist within the NSW Botany team with over 12 years of on-ground experience in ecology.

Rebecca has highly developed skills in botany, flora and fauna habitat assessment, targeted surveys for rare and threatened species, vegetation mapping and natural heritage. These skills, complemented by her project management expertise and effective communication, allow her to provide clients with high quality advice and successful outcomes for their projects. She has been involved in a large number of ecological studies of varying scales throughout Australia.

Rebecca is well trained and experienced in environmental impact assessments and delivering complex projects in accordance with NSW and Commonwealth legislation.

Rebecca is Accredited under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2017 (BAAS17067) and has delivered a number of major projects under the former Framework for Biodiversity Assessment (FBA) and the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM). She has prepared several Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDAR’s), Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements, and feasibility studies for both private and government sectors.