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12 September 2024

Consultant Spotlight: Katrina Sofo

Last week Katrina, Ecology and Operations Manager – Victoria, celebrated 20 years with the business.

Katrina has some great stories and fond memories of her time here that we wanted to share.

What inspired you to start your career in consulting, and how has your career or Biosis progressed over time?

I have always had a love for and desire to work with animals. After finishing university, I wanted to work in a role where I could gain interesting, hands on experience in ecology, and more specifically, zoology. At that time, career options in ecology were quite limited, mostly to government roles or a pathway in academia. Biosis was a highly renowned consultancy with a team of respected ecologists that was able to provide on the job training, varied fieldwork opportunities, and career progression.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to progress my career, from starting out as a Technical Assistant, to developing my skills and knowledge as a zoologist and consultant, taking on new challenges of moving into leadership roles, and then working my way up to Ecology and Operations Manager, Victoria.

How has the consulting industry changed since you started, and how have you adapted to those changes?

As a zoologist early in my career, most of the projects I worked on were fairly standard, straight forward, flora and fauna impact assessments that required very basic survey methods and tools. Over time, the breadth of projects we work on has increased significantly. The focus on biodiversity impacts and conservation efforts has also increased, along with the need for changes in legislation to manage and respond accordingly. We now deal with more complex projects that have required the application of evolving technology and innovative ideas. Embracing the use of new and emerging technology and survey techniques has been required to adapt to the changing environment in which we now work.

What accomplishment are you most proud of in your 20 years of consulting?

I am proud to have worked my way up to be in the position to manage, support and help build one of the largest teams of ecologists in Australia. I am extremely proud to be part of this highly successful team of passionate and knowledgeable people and be involved in the exceptional work we do.

What is your favourite memory from your time so far at Biosis?

I have so many wonderful memories from the past 20 years that it is impossible to narrow it down to one! I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to travel to many amazing locations for fieldwork and PD, and to learn from and work along side so many brilliant ecologists. A few highlights include:

  • Finding over 20 species of reptiles, including Flinders Worm-lizard, with Ian Smales on a project in South Australia.
  • Seeing a Golden-tipped Bat and Giant Burrowing Frog during a PD course in NSW.
  • Observing Double-banded Plovers in NE Tasmania as they started their annual migration to New Zealand.
  • The numerous other trips to different locations in Tasmania for various bird utilisation surveys.
  • Undertaking Black-eared Miner surveys for PD at Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • Finding an Australian Painted Snipe with Dan Gilmore in Creswick.
  • Light aircraft aerial surveys for Brolgas with Mark Venosta.
  • The PD trips with the Ecology Team to The Grampians, Winton Wetlands, Mt Rothwell and more!

If you could go back to the beginning of your career, what would you tell your younger self?

On reflection, I would tell myself to stress less about the pressures of consulting. It is important to find a balance between being confident enough to back yourself and put yourself forward, but also rely on the support and knowledge of the many great mentors available to you. Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know, but find out by asking questions and seeking out the answers.